LIFE Business: First Year Results

LIFE Business: First Year Results - Claude Hamilton

LIFE Business: First Year Results

[box type=”info”] Hi Everyone! I must share this awesome post written and posted by Orrin Woodward that was posted on his blog today called LIFE Business: First Year Results – this is something that you want to make sure you read! Kick back, relax and enjoy seeing how far LIFE has gone in only 1 year… Did I say AMAZING??? C.[/box]

Just over a year ago this week, the LIFE business launched in North America. Amid much fanfare, several best-selling authors and top leaders partnered together in the community building business with a goal to end the decline of North American morale and productivity. When opportunity and preparedness meet, success must happen. The LIFE founders were prepared and, thanks to God’s grace, the opportunity presented itself to do something in the leadership field that had never been done before. With the  LIFE founders (pictured above), the LIFE business  exceeded even my highest expectations for the first year.


For instance:

1. The LIFE business surpassed 100% increase in subscriptions of the LIFE and LLR Series in under one year of business.

2. The LIFE business launched the Mental Fitness Challenge and sold thousands of 90-day challenges throughout North America.

3. The LIFE business paid out over $1,800,000 in end-of-year bonuses and free trips its first year.

4. The LIFE business paid out over 70% bonuses on its product volume points in its first year in business.

5. Rob Hallstrand, Chief Operating Officer (COO) of TEAM and a LIFE founder, coordinated operations for both companies, and combined sales blew past $50,000,000 (with LIFE leading the charge) from the Flint, Michigan based office. Since Chris Brady and I formed our first leadership training company in 1999, it is very special to have accomplished the best sales and profits ever this past year.

6. Team training produced its best operating margins ever (of which 100% of profits flow back to field trainers), as Mr. Hallstrand continued his dramatic turnaround of Team operations. In fact, employee cost-per-profit-dollar has decreased over six times in his three years as COO, leading to increased bonuses for field trainers and office staff—a truly stunning performance.

7. Customers composed nearly 20% of total LIFE business subscriptions in its first year. Considering new members have six months to learn how to develop customers, this number will only grow as members complete training. What other community building business hits 20% customer subscriptions in its first year?

8. The LIFE business launched the Edge Series for youth and has added thousands of satisfied families in LIFE’s first year.

Happy Birthday LIFE Business

There are more details to follow in the coming months, but I wanted to report on a fantastic first year and celebrate LIFE’s birthday with all of you. The LIFE founders have several new products in the works to take the LIFE business to the next level, so get ready! Thank you to everyone involved in making this achievement possible, from customers, members, founders, and the office staff. Happy Birthday, LIFE! And congratulations to all of you who persisted in the accomplishment of the noble mission to change North America (and eventually the world), one person at a time!


Orrin Woodward

Note:  All credit for this article goes back to Orrin Woodward, article posted on his blog today called LIFE Business: First Year Results


22 thoughts on “LIFE Business: First Year Results

  1. There are so many opportunities available to us in LIFE. Life changing information, with fabulous leaders, like yourself, to teach us the system. I am relatively new, but my life has changed so much already. I can’t wait to see what Year Two has in store for us. Looking forward to seeing you and Lana in Aylmer, Ontario December 8th. Thanks, Claude!


  2. thats fired up thank you Orrin for standing up for what is right and not selling out, this opportunity has changed my lie and helps me change other peoples lives as well, thank ou and the rest of the founders

  3. Its amazing I was talking with people in my organization last night after watching Joce & Cynthia and Mike Rocheleau’s open meeting we can’t imagine how anyone would not want to do this , its simply amazing thank you so much for changing our lives,I personally don’t know what I’d be doing now if it wasn’t for this awesome business,,THANK YOU!!!!!!!

  4. I am thankful to be a part if this vibrant and thriving business opportunity, but more especially so on this disappointing day after the election. Life gives me hope that we truly CAN make a difference, and through the rough days ahead we can be a beacon of hope to others!

  5. It has been a great year. This year is going to be even better. Thanks Claude for being there and leading the way.

  6. Congratulations on an amazing First Year!

    The LIFE suite of products, combined with the TEAM’s training system, have redefined the entrepreneurial experience. The financial rewards that can be achieved through the exposure of these life changing personal development and leadership products, is nothing short of remarkable.

    Thanks to all of the LIFE founders, for their unwavering dedication and vision!

  7. WoW!! That is really exciting news!! So glad to be part of this LIFE transformimg Business! Can’t wait to see the new products that will bring this business to the next level….i’m getting ready, how about you ?!

  8. Cant beleive it is already a year since the launch of LIFE!! Thank your Orrin and Laurie, Claude and Lana and all the other founders for never giving up on your dreams and having the courage and commitment to make LIFE a reality… I beleive LIFE is making the world a much better place…

  9. Amazing results. Can’t wait to share it with current and future LIFE Members. Thanks for leading the charge.

  10. THIS IS ALL AMAZING!! THANK YOU!!! The leaders have been doing a fantastic job leading the way to changing western culture!

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