Spending Time With My Boys

Hey everyone!

Many of you have seen these pictures of me 12115617_555886764560404_2076992576810776200_nskating 12118677_555886737893740_4679928493864393510_nwith the boys the other day. We plan to go to the arena as often as possible this winter. Both boys seem to like skating so far!

This summer we focused on swimming and biking. Both boys can swim well, going underwater and in the deep end. It’s funny and a bit unnerving to watch a 22-month-old jump off a diving board, into the water, and swim to the side of the pool.

We try to go four to five times a week, so they have been able to pick up quickly. The boys also really enjoyed riding their bikes at the skate park this summer. They became quite amazing on their bikes. Once again, watching a 22-month-old, still in diapers, drop into a half pipe is nerve-wracking for the parents!! Both boys wracked up some spectacular crashes, but the only injuries were a few cuts and bruises.

As a father, I am so blessed to be able to spend this time nurturing a love for physical activity in the boys. Here are some videos of our fun-filled summer days. Some were taken with my beloved Blackberry so the quality is not that great.  Enjoy!

Jumping off the counter: This first video is not biking or swimming, but I love it because it shows the boys’ little boy spirit. I was sitting at the kitchen table reading and Wyatt was in the hearth room. When I looked up, he was jumping off the counter onto the couch. He didn’t know anyone was watching; he just thought it would be fun. Jumping off the counters is not allowed (often) at our house, but he did get a few leaps in before I stopped him!

This is a video of the dirt park, as the boys call it. The video doesn’t do the hill’s steepness or Gryffin’s speed justice. They love the dirt park because it’s often wet and muddy.

The next three videos are at the Fall River skate park. You might notice they are in pajamas in some of these videos. We usually go to the skate park in the morning and the swimming pool in the afternoon.

The next three videos are at the Halifax Commons skate park. In the first video, you can see Gryffin comes close to colliding with Wyatt. This happened more times then you can count. A huge skate park and still they were able to find each other and collide!!

I hope you all had a great summer, as well! We’re looking forward to many days spent at the rink and in the snow this winter!


15 thoughts on “Spending Time With My Boys

  1. Wow when you look at how the life leadership business can pull together for a great cause ..

    An to have someone at the head of the ship driving it ..

    I feel very blessed to be part of this ..

    Charge on..

    Rick McGuire

  2. Read the first article the other day about NS Literacy. Great article. It is fantastic what we can do to help others if we just look for it. I have always wanted to help someone learn to read. Going to see what we have in NB. :-) Don’t know why but I didn’t get any videos of the boys at play. Would have enjoyed watching.

  3. Wyatt jumping from the counter to the couch is just hilarious. He is definitely practicing for all the new stunts he will be doing next spring at the skateboard park and teach everything to his little brother. They have no fear. They have great balance on their bikes, unreal. Nothing is going to hold these little boys back. They have the best teachers.

  4. Wow!! As a mother of two teenaged boys, I know from personal experience how daring they can be, at all ages! It is so amazing to see their personalities come to shine in these videos, and the courage of you and Lana, letting them take these risks. At least you guys are exercising your hearts now, for they get more daring as time goes on!

    Most children don’t get to have the luxury of both parents being able to spend so much time with them, loving and encouraging them, and helping them along. You truly are building men, and they are so very blessed to have you both, as are the thousands of people who you lead on a daily basis.

    Thank you for sharing!! God bless you all!


  5. What absolutely adorable little men! Thanks for sharing Claude. So many parents miss out on precious moments like these trading time for $. Thank you for setting the example of what fighting for your families freedom looks like.

  6. I loved to see the boys having fun, but most of all that You have the freedom to spend time with them. Thanks fos sharing. God bless you :)

  7. Awesome videos of your boys Claude. They are courageous and looks like motorcross could be in their future. Great to see.

  8. I loved to see the boys having fun, but most of all that You have the freedom to spend time with them. Thanks fos sharing. God bless you :)

  9. Wow! Your boys are good on their bikes. Awesome to see parents that can spend quality & quantity time with their kids. See ya soon.

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