New York Times Bestseller Mark Macdonald & CNN Contributor

New York Times Bestseller Mark Macdonald 

& CNN Contributor

Hey Everyone!!

I am very excited about the upcoming TEAM conventions being held in Springfield, Mass and Milwaukee WI.  We have a ton of great speakers and a great agenda of topics.   Orrin & Laurie Woodward and Bill & Jackie Lewis will be in Springfield and Milwaukee, and the Bradys, the Guzzardos, the Hawkins, and the Marks will be in Milwaukee.  Oliver Demille will be speaking a second time for the TEAM; he was a huge hit the last time he spoke!!

I wanted to highlight Mark Macdonald, who is one of the speakers we have coming in to answer questions and promote the 90 day RVLution from MV.  I have become good friends with him and can tell you he knows his stuff!  He is a very sincere and passionate advocate of living healthier lives. Mark is a National Ambassador to the American Diabetes Association as well as a NY Times best selling author.

Here are a few videos of him on CNN where he is a frequent contributor. Enjoy and I will see you all at our conventions during the next few weeks!

Claude Hamilton

196 thoughts on “New York Times Bestseller Mark Macdonald & CNN Contributor

  1. Mark was amazing!! So great to be tied into people who have results in the areas they are speaking on!! Btw… I want to see the pic of Wayne at his first major!

  2. We so enjoyed Mark at the convention. Looking forward to hearing more from him in the future! It was an awesome major!

  3. I whole heartly agree, Tim. He is an inspiration to all. Really looking forward to hearing Mark speak in Milwaukee.

  4. Looking forward to tomorrow night, it will be my first major. Seen Wayne last Moncton seminar and last week at the webinar, Did a great job, I really like his way to get us going with the business. I’m heading to work shortly but will be thinking about the week end and hearing more from Claude, Orin and all the others I have not met yet..

  5. Awesome article Claude! Marc delivered an incredible talk and the last major and I can’t wait to hear him speak again! Not only are we blessed to learn from you and all the top leaders in community building but we get to learn from 3rd party credible leaders in their area of expertise. And they fit so beautifully in the massive community that’s unfolding. Anyone who doesn’t leave this next major ready to explode must have been spending too much time in the popcorn line or having mentoring sessions in the hallways when they should have been in the arena. Looking forward to seeing more lives change because of the team community in a couple weeks! Thanks for your leadership Claude!

  6. Excellent tie in post to the July LIFE subscription! Of course, I heard Mark M’s Saturday AM Fitness ‘F’ talk live in CBus, however, it never is nothing but positive to hear such a talk again on audio a few weeks, month, or months later to reinforce & remind :) Zig taught years ago, as the head rascal mentioned on a diff talk that you need to hear something 16x to truly ‘get it’.

    Many blessings to you, Lana, & Wyatt, Claude, from your Ohio tribal community / platoon / mini-factory :)

    p.s. I was one of the 10% (? guessing ) that stood up in CBus when he asked how many ate 5-6x / day. And, I still do & will merely tweak / PDCA it by balancing out the fats/protein/good carbs like he taught us all ;-)

  7. Will be awesome weekend! Mark lives the info he teaches for sure. Fire up to see you in Milwaukee!!

  8. You guys are oh so inspiring!! I love your relationships! You’re so much fun to listen to, etc. thanks do much for all you do!!! We’ll be in Milwaukee!!

  9. Watching Wayne monday night as he inspired a young person to take the trip with us in a 30 min talk! I had to fill her in after where we were going but he transfered that passion just like @ the saturday seminar changing live on a daily basis! We as a team can’t thank Claude Hamilton & Wayne MacNamara enough for their servant leadership! See you both this weekend with a lots of first timers who will get inspired to change lives! Proud to serve!

  10. I had someone tell me I was crazy driving 7 hours to go to a leadership confrence a year ago! Now I’m meeting with him in 20 minutes to see how I got time back in my life……
    Going to try and bring him tomorrow! Now he is hungry!

  11. Every Major seems to get better than the last! I can’t wait for one of our newest couples to experience the weekend! Team Life really does fire me up with such awesome leaders…you all know there’s no words to fully describe the people we’re in business with let alone these events! WTG TEAM! =D

  12. So excited for the Convention! This will be my third one, but I will never forget my first! Definetly an event everyone needs to experience. Can’t wait to hear the amazing talks.
    Special thanks to Chad Waters for his continuous support and friendship :)
    I have loved this journey so far, and look forward to the rest of the way :)

  13. Can’t say it in one word Wayne! How can you describe your life changed for ever beasides maybe “Freedom”

  14. Hi, so glad Mark MacDonald is joining us again at Major in Springfield! He is a wealth of information in this day of prepackaged foods/fast food /grab n run kinda days. Its still doable even with busy lives… his info needs to get out to the masses. Thanks for equipping us with valuable info so we can do & share it!

  15. Those videos are awesome. Coming from the nutrition background I can say that Mark really knows his stuff! Thanks for adding those video links to your blog Claude! Cynthia

  16. I can not wait for kick off friday night. the Goose bumps always come knowing someone in the audience is there for their 1st time. Some new couple is going to experience the Woodwards/Hamiltons/Lewiss.

    Give me your one word that comes to mind for the 1st time you seen and heard these couples ?

    • The first time I hear the woodwards speak all I can remember how passionate they were. The Lewis were so real and relatable, however I do remember Bill being a total straight shooter, and of course I laughed like crazy! As far as the Hamiltons go, they hold a special place in my heart because we have pretty much seen them grow up in this business atmosphere. I know the first time I saw Claude speak it was at an Open meeting in Truro Nova Scotia and I was blown away by how knowlegable he was and how he spoke the truth, without hesitation. Lana has always spoken from the heart and I swear she makes me choke up almost every time she hits the stage. God Bless all these couple!

  17. Just want to say a special thanks to Claude and Lana and Wayne and Raylene for always leading from the front…..thanks for always believing in me before i ever did, your leadership and friendship means alot to me. Love you all.

  18. @Mike Mitchell. It was just months ago you were there for your first time and now bringing a team! Your changing lives already bud! Proud of you!

  19. Waye and Ray for PC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Claude for prime minister!!! Our world needs more people like them, and it would be such a superior world to live in!

  20. Such a great community of peopke wanting to better their lives to get “the life they always wanted” truly amazing to be part of this team!

    • Take extra notes for me Melissa! I’ll be working the tools on Saturday morning! I’m sure you’ll help me implement the information… I can’t wait to see everyone in Springfield! Woo hoo!

  21. The excitement is creating so much motivation in our team…..and anticipation for the future. Things just keep getting better and better! Jamie and I are so blessed to be ‘riding the wave’ with so many wonderful and inspiring leaders.

    • This morning I had coffee with a few friends who work in a very depressing workplace right now. They were telling me that hope is gone and many are just “putting in time”. What a stark contrast to the people who are working together in the LIFE community! The future is so BRIGHT!!!! And it all starts this weekend!

  22. That’s such a great story!! Wayne is absolutely amazing at leading. We are so lucky to have 2 incredible couples as our example of where we are headed. A big Thanks You to Claude and Lana and Wayne and Raylene!!

    • I love his story telling too! So many princples can be taught through the stories of struggle to victory. These two couples are great examples of real life heroes.

  23. Can’t wait to get there its going to be the difference maker to propel everyone forward. I am looking so forward to hearing Mark MacDonald’s talk for that is one area I am really looking to make a change in the Fitness side.
    To have the all star lineup that we are getting is going to be amazing and when Oliver DeMille spoke last you could drop a pin and hear it because people were so intensely listening.
    Every time you raise the bar and we can’t wait to see what you have in store for us this time for with the excitement that we see in Wayne’s eyes we know its going to be big.

  24. Absolutely can’t wait to see Mark MacDonald again, looking forward to what he has in store for us this weekend!!

  25. Mark’s message fits so well with the TEAM and LIFE! Its our thinking that needs to be changed! I loved his presentation last major! Claude and the founders always give us such incredible speakers with incredible knowledge and teachings… Its amazing how much our Major events can and will change someone’s LIFE in ALL 8F’s!

      • He seems like a great guy… down to earth… like the LIFE leaders like yourself and Wayne. Sometimes people with influence like yourselves, especially fitness buff’s like Mark seem like they have extraordinary opportunities or something special about them or their life that common people can’t/don’t have which makes their results seem impossible for us. This is DEFINITELY not the case with this company. I love that the leaders’ results are possible for everyone/anyone from ANY background/starting point!

      • Last time, I was out in the concourse and saw Mark having a conversation with someone or answering a question. It’s so impressive that people like Mark are such great communicators in front of thousands and then are willing to engage one on one. That’s a reflection of his servant attitude, the same attitude that the Policy Council and RT have. It adds so much value to people’s lives!

  26. Can’t wait to see everyone at the major this weekend – I love seeing all of our amazing speakers live!! And how awesome is it that our Kaizen groups will have such a presence :)

  27. Claude, we all cant wait for YOUR book to come out pal. You have inspired so many people to commit to a live of excellence. your team is one of strength/passion/unified together. We luv you and Lana so much for your example and work ethic

  28. Congratulations John & Michelle on hosting the meeting! Were leaving early tomorrow, so will see you there! Fired up! That’s what these seminars creat… New Leaders!

  29. Yes Claude! The upcoming major is going to be fantastic! I cannot wait! Oliver Demille is a terrific author and speaker, and Mark Mcdonald would definately make the fitness guru list if there was ever such a thing! It was great to hear him talk at the last major in Columbus. Me as a person who chooses to live a healthy lifestyle as well learned quite a lot from the talk that he gave on proper nutrition! Keep Strokin!!!

  30. Thanks Claude, I just love our friendship and your leadership! I am SUPER fired up to speak this weekend and most of all to spend quality time with the entire TEAM community! Just love the passion and energy you each bring!

    My presentation will be focused on sharing this message…You CAN take your body and health to the next level. You CAN look and feel your very best! You CAN eat the foods that you love! You CAN unlock your body’s full potential. Whatever your goal is…lose weight, burn fat, increase energy, reduce sugar cravings, build muscle, or simply feel better…You CAN permanently achieve that goal and forever reprogram your metabolism.

    I will share exactly how on Saturday morning. Everyone get ready for many hugs! See you in a couple days.

    Massive hugs,


    • Can we choose “all of the above!” from your list?! So excited to learn from you this weekend. Saturday morning, here we come!

      • Thank you so much Mark. I can’t wait to hear you speak this weekend! Its because of you’re last talk in columbus that I now check the label of my protien bars and supplements just to make sure the sugar content is low and the protein is high. It has made such a difference for me! Before I thought it didn’t matter and just ate anything that said “protein on it” but in the last three months I could definately see and feel that it does matter eating supplements with a lower sugar content! Awesomeness!!!!

    • Loved your talk last major, can’t wait to here more and to apply what your going to teach us in my own life.

    • Wow! And to think I could get even more excited about this weekend. Unreal! Hope to meet you this weekend, Mark!

    • Can’t wait to hear your talk at Major in Springfield. We are so thankful to MV for being a company of character and trust, so very rare in todays world. Any info you can provide on nutrition is definitely an asset to our communities.

  31. @ Wayne MacNamara
    It’s a unreal exeperience when you walk through the doors and WOW! You hear one amazing life changing talk, and then another and another! You get way more then you paid for with all this information you will excell to the top, teaching others to do as you and Claude Hamilton have! You both inspire thousands upon thousands of people and thousands you haven’t even met yet!
    Thanks for both your Servant Leadership!

    • You can never go wrong by following leaders who are following champions. One trip to a major can and will start the life changing transformation you are seeking. Most know there is a better life out there they just need to find it. With amazing teachers, mentors and servant leaders on stage all weekend long, the sky truly is the limit. Being in the same country as Claude Hamilton and Wayne MacNamara is amazing, being in the same building as these guys will be, yet again, life changing.

    • I agree! The example that Wayne/Raylene & Claude/Lana lead with is so inspiring that it makes everyone want to grow & develop ourselves. Thanks for paving the way and being available to coach/mentor/share your lives with so many people.

    • Well said Chad. I brought a couple out last night to the Kitchener Open Meeting for them to personally hear and meet Wayne and Raylene. Just listening to and observing Wayne inspired them to join LIFE and at the end of the evening my friend’s comment was ” … I want to work hard enough to earn the right to have Wayne mentor me”! Hearing Wayne just once made such an impact on him that he made that his stated goal! Wayne you have such character and influence that you have immediate positive effect on people. I know you credit Claude and Lana and the entire LIFE leadership for helping you grow and learn and in so doing you make all of us want to follow you in this journey. Thank you to you all!

      • Wayne is amazing an amazing man and has that ability to influence others to want to begin to grow and change themselves for the better. He’s a great leader to follow!

  32. Mark Macdonald gave such great tips even to help with our children!, and with 5 of them we will take all the help we can! Can’t wait to hear more!!!

  33. I was really excited to hear olver Demille is back in town. What a fantastic speaker. Can’t wait to get down there.

  34. What a great line up of educators in their fields. It is so great that Team takes the time and effort to bring in the best of the best to keep the quality of these weekends as amazing as they are for such a low cost. Looking forward to learning in all areas of the 8 F’s of Life. Thanks Claude for sharing what is to come this weekend.

  35. Thanks Claude!! Love our Friendship and Love your leadership! We are going to have a fantastic event this weekend and fired up to hang with all of TEAM! The last event was epic, such powerful energy and passion from everyone! The focus of my presentation this weekend is all about how to realistically and permanently take your health and body to the next level. You CAN look and feel your very best! You CAN eat the foods that you love! You CAN unlock your body’s full potential! Whatever your health goal may be…lose weight, burn fat, increase energy, reduce sugar cravings, build muscle, or simply just feel better….you will learn exactly how to achieve your goal and forever reprogram your metabolism!

    As you can tell I am super fired up! Everyone get ready for a giant hug, going to be a fun one this weekend!

    Massive hugs,


    • Mark, you’ve inspired many of us to look at where we’re at and take action on getting to where we want to be. Look forward to seeing you this weekend.

    • Without the Fitness “F” in out lives its very hard to enjoy any of the other F’s. The information from last major and this one coming up is fantastic stuff. This information is pratical and you don’t have to do any crazy diets or life altering exercises. I’m axcited for this weekend!

  36. This weekend is going to be Amazing! We all can’t wait for the talks that will be given and to have Mark and Oliver share again.
    Thanks so much Claude for taking the Majors and seminars to the next level


  37. Many years ago a guy I have never met influenced me over the phone to come to my 1st major convention. Today because of Claudes Hamiltons bold attitude and belief in himself, belief in his team/biz I today live a blessed life. I could and prob should have said no to my 1st major convention but the spines of the weak get stiffened in the presence of the bold!!

    Can you tell me the feeling you got when you attended your very 1st major convention ?

      • I agree, Wayne, I can hardly wait to hear your talks. They are usually packed with great information about tenacity and the value of association.

      • The 1st memory of my 1st major was standing in a line up hrs before the doors opened. I didnt understand this fully until we actually started the function and man oh man did these front seats make a difference in our experience!!

        I remember thinking to myself WOW!!! these guys on stage are so incredible at speaking and spreading hope to others. My goal from that 1st major was to become friends with you and to learn the skill set to speak publicly.

        • Someday hopefully wayne will lose a bet and have to wear the same clothes and earings he wore to his first major!!


      • we are very excited to hear wayne, we respect him so much and know he teaches from his heart.

    • I remember clearly my first Major convention. Associating with leaders and people who have success fruit helped me expand my vision of what is possible. I love the fact that when a community gets together at a learning event, major decisions are made and lives are changed.

    • It was an emotional roller coaster. I felt like I ‘belonged’ and that I had been missing this (environment) my whole life. I was set in that I hadn’t heard information – truth – like what was presented. That first meeting set into motion a desire to change and grow, and everything has changed for the better since then. I can trace all those changes back to that first meeting. It was the best thing to ever have happened to me/for me.

      thank you for helping me to make that decision to attend!

    • After going to my first Major, I knew I had to/have to re-evaluate where I thought my life was heading. I went to Major as a committed sceptic and came home a solid believer in the LIFE business and my own potential. I still have a long way to go in sorting out my priorities, goals and dreams, but I know that one of the MOST important tools I have in sorting these things is the information and encouragement I get at Major. Major gives me back my focus, my determination, and best of all – the knowledge that I CAN do this!!

    • It was a true sense of belonging to an energetic & supportive community! I was in awe at the number of people in the convention centre. It was kind of like attending a rock concert. The positive energy and happiness that infused the air was awesome! Looking forward to this weekend :)

    • When we attended our first convention we went to New Brunswick and met many of our upline for the first time and got a much bigger picture of what the business can do for the development of an individual not just the development of a business. What great hope that gave me. And to think we can have it all and share it with our friends is fantastic.

    • I was very emotional and excited, knowing what we had out hands on and the belief you and Raylene always had in us there was nothing going to rock my tree, i knew whereever you and Ray lead we will follow……love and respect you both so much, thanks for having the courage and guts to chase your dreams.

    • We were in aw with the set up and presentation. The story talks allowed us to believe that even we could do this and that our support team was commited to helping us succeed. You get a “rock concert” feel, without the negative aspects but even more the speaker speaks from their hearts to yours. Thank you Claude for all you do to make our events larger than life!

    • After attending our 1st Major convention we knew we were in the right Team. A group that grew with Vision, Valor, Virtue and Fusion like Eagles flying above the rest. So Unified!

  38. I am really excited to hear what Mark has to say, my uncle just recenly suffered a stroke and now is diabetic, the information he will be giving us i will take to my uncle in hopes in helping with his condition.

  39. After his last presentation, I’m really looking forward to seeing what’s in store for us this time. It will be life impacting information I’m sure as the Leadership events give us the nuggests we need to produce success and results when we apply them and do the work.

    • Yes, for sure! Claude recently tweeted “As I became successful in my business, I started to realize how so many people are kept broke by what they don’t know”. Through my association with the LIFE community, I’m finding this to be true in Fitness, Freedom and all of the 8Fs.

  40. So looking forward to being there with everyone again and learning everything to help out our lives and many others!
    Awesome Blog Claude!

  41. Looking forward to hearing Mark MacDonald. Personally, he is addressing an area in my life where I need a lot of guidance.

      • LOL! Yes. When I am talking to people about “the 8 F’s” I kind of feel I have to make a personal disclaimer and admit that I am NOT living the Fitness part … yet! This too will come :-)

    • i feel the same Elma, the fittness F is one area that i need to dive into…. can’t wait to see you

  42. This Major in Springfield will be unbelievable. They get better every time! We heard Mark speak at the last major and he is so positive and passionate about what he does. I am excited to hear him speak again.

    • Were excited to expeience this major with you both again, you and Jamie are awesome people and have hugh hearts for people and Life…..were going to acomplish great things together.

  43. This weekend is going to be awesome! Oliver Demille and Mark MacDonald are my two favourite invited speakers in the past. Can’t wait to see them again!

  44. We are SO excited about the upcoming major conventions. The last time we heard Mark speak we knew he was living exactly what he was teaching. Cant wait to hear all the PC give all of us the information to take us to the next level….
    Luv ya pal

  45. I loved Mark whn we saw him last. He is great motivational speaker and I have started implementing some of his suggestions for healthy eating. Oliver Demille was amazing as well. Can’t wait for the weekend.

  46. Can’t wait! Really looking forward to it. Mark MacDonald, Oliver DeMille, and some of the highest ranked leaders in the country in one place? It’s going to be unbelievable. Thanks for all you do, Claude!

  47. AHHH!!! What an amazing weekend we have to look forward to! I look forward to hearing you speak and getting as many nuggets as I can that I can go apply! Claude I want to thank you for all that you do for the TEAM and for helping make this opportunity available to so many more people!

    God Bless You

    Jeremy Pethke

  48. Loved Mark’s presentation at the last convention and looking forward to more inspiring words from him in Milwaukee!

    • My husband and I loved Marks presentation as well and have looked into his research and love what we found. We are also looking forward to hearing him and getting more great fitness wisdom from him.

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